No symbols for paired Apple Watch Error

Error message

I’ve been working on my latest Watch App and came across a strange error. The ‘no symbols for paired Apple Watch’ error. At first I thought it might be because of the recent security update. Apple updated the OS for the iPhone and Apple Watch but made no update to Xcode.

Error showing 'no symbols for paired Apple Watch'

So I headed to the developer portal at and downloaded the Xcode beta hoping this would solve my problem. Alas, it did not.

So after searching on Stack Overflow and generally ‘Googling’ for anyone else who may have had a similar error. Most seem to point to a problem with your developer account Either a waiting agreement at the developer portal waiting for my acceptance.

I looked into Xcode a bit deeper and opened up the ‘Devices and Simulators’ panel under the Window menu in Xcode. Selecting my iPhone here, showed the following warning ‘Could not download and install Symbols for watchOS 7.3.3. With a detail message stating ‘There are no valid account registered with Xcode’

A warning message - Maybe that is why there are no symbols for the paired Apple Watch

So I went to Xcode, Preferences and clicked on the Accounts tab. For some reason, my account was no longer showing here. Logging in again and restarting Xcode seemed to clear the problem.

The symbols downloaded the next time I connected the Apple Watch (iPhone plugged in to the Mac).

Let me know if you have had a similar issue on Mastodon

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