Blog Articles

  • Day 36 – iExpense

    Day 36 – iExpense

    Everything seemed to go well with the first set of topics for the iExpense App. However, one thing that is not available on watchOS yet is the EditButton(). Xcode gives the error ‘EditButton’ is unavailable in watchOS. This is unsurprising as the EditButton is primarily used to select several items at once and then delete…

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  • Day 29 and 30 – WordScramble App

    Day 29 and 30 – WordScramble App

    The WordScramble App was a partial success on watchOS. There are some big ‘gotchas’ that mean some further knowledge of workarounds would be needed to make it truly work well on the most personal device. Modifiers Strangely in watchOS, I couldn’t get the textField modifier .autocapitalization(.none) to work. The editor would throw a Cannot infer…

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  • Choosing to develop for the Apple Watch

    Choosing to develop for the Apple Watch

    I’m a recent convert to developing in Swift for the iOS devices. I got my Apple Watch when it was still mirroring Apps on the iPhone. The Watch basically being a display with the WatchKit Extension running on the iPhone and sending over it’s data to the WatchKit App on the wearable. watchOS 3 changed…

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  • Day 20 – Material struct is not available on watchOS

    Day 20 – Material struct is not available on watchOS

    Looks like the Material struct is not available on watchOS, for instance the background below works well on iOS and iPadOS, but throws and error in Xcode if you try to using it in an Apple Watch App The next interesting issue with Paul’s code is that the role: parameter for a Button view on…

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  • Testing the fediverse

    Testing the fediverse

    Just a short post to see if this content appears in clients such as Mastodon.

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  • ActivityPub


    Using WordPress as a Mastodon account. More to come…

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  • Post While Travelling

    Post While Travelling

    A little test This is a test post to see if the site is being federated. Hopefully someone will be able to see the post via Mastodon or similar site that uses ActivityPub.

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  • Day 17 (WeSplit)

    Day 17 (WeSplit)

    Today, the modifier .keyboardType() is unavailable for watchOS. I guess that makes sense in a way as some models of Apple Watch do not even have an on-screen keyboard. However, it might be nice to be able to use this specifier for things like the continuity keyboard. If the message pops up on your iPhone…

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  • No symbols for paired Apple Watch Error

    No symbols for paired Apple Watch Error

    I’ve been working on my latest Watch App and came across a strange error. The ‘no symbols for paired Apple Watch’ error. At first I thought it might be because of the recent security update. Apple updated the OS for the iPhone and Apple Watch but made no update to Xcode. So I headed to…

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  • Installing a Profile on an iPhone or iPad

    Installing a Profile on an iPhone or iPad

    Sometimes you will be provided a link that will install a profile on an iPhone or iPad. The file contains configuration details. This could be a VPN or an email account and should always be expecting to receive it. Never install a configuration file that has been sent out of the blue. You will usually…

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