Blog Articles

  • A different way of coding navigationBarItems

    A different way of coding navigationBarItems

    I have been following along with Paul Hudson’s 100 Days of SwiftUI course. A really excellent introduction to SwiftUI if you are looking for one. However, there are some patterns in SwiftUI that I find particularly hard to read at the moment and wondered if there was a way to change this. For instance in…

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  • Migrate data plan to new Apple Watch

    Migrate data plan to new Apple Watch

    This weekend my Series 6 Apple Watch arrived and though I was excited to unbox and set it up. Although I needed to migrate my data plan to it, which has never been as straight forward as I expect.  The first step in the migrating my data plan was to unpair my Series 5. The…

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  • 100 Days of SwiftUI an index

    100 Days of SwiftUI an index

    I’ve been following the 100 Days of SwiftUI course on Hacking With Swift, Paul Hudson’s excellent swift resource site. On the slack channel that accompanies the site a couple of users were asking if the 100 Days index could show subject topics for each day. This is my attempt to crowdsource it. I suggested that…

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  • Swift Language Meetup Portsmouth

    Swift Language Meetup Portsmouth

    I am investigating the viability of regular meetups for anyone interested in the Swift programming language who want to meet in or around Portsmouth (UK).

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  • Asking for App reviews as an independent developer

    Asking for App reviews as an independent developer

    When I started Steps Tracker I was trying to create an App I personally wanted to use and several friends had mentioned they liked the idea of it. It didn’t cross my mind to solicit App reviews. Decided to charge to see if anyone would be prepared to pay for it. Give me reason to continue developing…

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  • Debugging Errors: dyld: Symbol not found

    Debugging Errors: dyld: Symbol not found

    I recently wanted to update my Steps Tracker App to allow purchasers of the Series 4 Apple Watch the ability to see the steps complication on the new Infograph watch faces that are only available on the new devices. I managed to get the new complication styles working by reading the documents at and…

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  • Siri Watch Face my new default face.

    Siri Watch Face my new default face.

    I have spent a couple of weeks now with the Siri Watch Face being my daily watch face and I’ve really come to love it. This new face for the Apple Watch was introduced with the release of watchOS 3. The face shows a digital time in the upper right area of the watch face.…

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  • Apple Watch App stuck installing using TestFlight

    Apple Watch App stuck installing using TestFlight

    I recently updated my first Apple Watch App ‘Steps Tracker‘ to ensure compatibility with the new iPhone X. On completing the update a little bug reared it’s head which required a small change to the code base as well. Therefore, I wanted my group of beta testers in TestFlight to install the App before releasing…

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  • Keep a mindful eye out for Ransomware

    Keep a mindful eye out for Ransomware

    Ransomware has been in the news headlines recently, which suggests more virus writers are wanting to get in on this money spinning type of hack. I wrote a blog post about this sort of virus in 2013 What is a Cryptovirus or Ransomware Though not strictly a virus, ransomware like most unwanted pieces of software is installed when…

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  • watchOS Local Notification Will Not Fire More Than Once

    watchOS Local Notification Will Not Fire More Than Once

    I seem to have come across a vexing issue with the watchOS Local Notification API – I can not get them to trigger reliably using a time interval that uses a common notification identifier. I have been trying to create an application that will fire off a local notification on the watch even if the…

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